If they are located in your attic be sure the area is properly insulated and any cracks or holes are sealed.
Air condtions ducts in attic wet.
Keep ducts spaced apart so air can flow between them.
Mold loves to colonize and spread wherever it can find moisture and that includes the inside of your air ducts.
Mold is a naturally occurring organism that isn t inherently harmful but high concentrations of it inside your home can harm your health and even the integrity of your home s structure.
In a properly functioning air conditioning system the air leaving the top of the unit is typically around 20 degrees colder than whatever the thermostat is set at.
When the attic is 20 f that insulation is addressing a delta t of 50 f.
The air moving through those ducts in the attic doesn t have anywhere near the temperature difference that heating or air conditioning ducts have.
Spraying foam insulation on the roof deck is the most popular method to do this.
If ducts are located in a crawlspace underneath your house cover the soil to reduce moisture.
Mold in air ducts.
If you notice a musty or moldy smell that goes away when you are not using your air conditioning or heating if they share ducts that can narrow the cause down to mold in your hvac system.
When water condenses and drips into your attic or home it can cause a some serious secondary problems.
After all most new homes have r 49 insulation on the attic floor holladay continues.
If your ductwork isn t well insulated then it will be the temperature of the air passing through it so when your air conditioning is on cool air makes the metal ductwork cold.
Ductwork located in an attic must be hung properly.
Poorly insulated or uninsulated ducts and humid air coming in contact with cool ductwork.
If you re in a humid climate burying ducts in the insulation could lead to condensation and ceiling damage.
If you live in a consistently humid climate a dehumidifier can help keep the air around your ductwork dry.
First the delta t across the exhaust duct doesn t matter because you re getting rid of that air.
Unblock any ducts that are restricting air flow and have them cleaned regularly.
Yes you re right that it can be difficult to get ducts out of conditioned space in existing homes.
There are essentially two reasons by ductwork sweats.
Mold and mildew in air vents and ducts can smell wet rotten or stale.
Shawn an erv isn t the same as a heating or cooling system.
First water dripping off of your ducts and onto your insulation can cause the insulation to compress which decreases it s r value or ability to insulate.
It s effective but not cheap.
When air cannot circulate freely throughout your.
A clogged condensate drain line can occur for a few reasons but especially if your air conditioning system is installed in the attic or on an upper level in your home.
So if the thermostat is sitting at 74 degrees the air being pushed into the duct system is going to be right around 54 degrees.